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What this Blog is about.

On this Blog I am going to be reviewing MW2 guns and giving tips and how and when to use them. I will also be giving my opinions, class layouts and strategies for certain maps. I will update as often as I can, should be every 1-3 days. Hope you enjoy and please follow this page :)


Modern Warfare 2

Sunday 30 May 2010


Hi, my first post is going to be on the ever popular UMP45. This is a Submachine Gun that is arguably the most popular gun on MW2. In this blog I am going to give you my Tips, opinions and guides on how to use it, when to use it and what attachments to use. So here we go.

In my opinion the UMP is the most overpowered gun on the game. The amount of times I have been spawn trapped by a very organised team of UMP users is easily in the hundreds, however it is probably the most enjoyable gun to use.

I am going to give my views on the attachments, IF YOU THINK I AM WRONG PLEASE COMMENT BELOW:

Rapid Fire 7/10 - Very handy at close range and the UMP has a good sight on it anyway so works well for it. Unlike other SMGs this attachment doesn't make you shoot at the sky whenever you hold the trigger for more than a second. There is low recoil but it is still advised that you use this on a small map with no open space as shooting with this at a lange range does not work.

Red Dot 8/10 - Makes the gun very accurate and it is very easy to pick off enemies from a long distance away. This makes it good for close quarters and medium to long range.

Holographic Sight 6/10 - I am not a fan of this attachment as I feel the 'Dot' is too big and, in my opinion, this makes the gun less accurate, not as effective at long range as the red dot sight.

ACOG Scope 7/10 - I was surprised about this, although it makes your gun look retarded it isn't that bad. Using this on any other SMG wouldn't work but the low recoil of the UMP really helps. Using sleight of hand PRO makes it all the better.

Thermal Scope 7/10- You may be surprised at this decent rating but there are situations when this becomes very handy. Using this with Bling and I silencer attached and Stopping Power, allows you to effectively snipe with an SMG. Very handy on Wasteland, Underpass and Overgrown.

FMJ 8/10 - Very good for spraying the walls for that enemy you know lies within ;) I would recommend firing in bursts. There is a technique to master and if you aquire it, you will never look back.

Silencer 9/10 - Without doubt the best attachment for this gun. For some reason this doesn't lower the damage of the gun noticeably and still takes down an enemy with 2-3 shots to the torso area. Probably my favourite option for Search and Destroy.

Akimbo 4/10 - Good for a laugh with your mates but if you want to play properly, stay away!

Extended Mags 6/10 - Take a long time to unlock and in the end it isn't really worth it. Never has the situation occurred when this has helped me in any way.

My Perfect UMP45 Set-Up:

Primary : UMP45 with SILENCER
Secondary : M9 Raffica Akimbo

Perk 1 : Sleight of Hand
Perk 2 : Stopping Power
Perk 3 : Ninja (I am a Sound Whore ;) Turtle Beaches X1...)

Stun Grenades ( Faster and more effective than flash in my opinion.)

I use this all of the time on SnD.

Thanks for reading, this is my first post so be kind.

Jack :)

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