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What this Blog is about.

On this Blog I am going to be reviewing MW2 guns and giving tips and how and when to use them. I will also be giving my opinions, class layouts and strategies for certain maps. I will update as often as I can, should be every 1-3 days. Hope you enjoy and please follow this page :)


Modern Warfare 2

Saturday 19 June 2010

Infinity Ward - Map Packs, OVER PRICED!

I am very into my video games and my favourite is MW2. I love it. Infinity ward did a great job and somehow managed to improve on COD4.

Millions of copies were sold in the first few days and it became the fastest selling video game since Halo 3, that's an achievement I can tell you! Everyone at infinity ward will have made an absolute bomb. Then, they state they are releasing New Maps in the Spring. I, like many others, can't wait!

My joy on the release day of The Stimulus Pack was soon crushed. £15 Pounds for 3 New Maps and 2 Old!? WHAT A RIP!!! That should have been £10 at top, not even that. I could understand it if they had brought some new guns and game modes but no, Infinity Ward just want more money, greedy Sods.

Many complaints are filed so when the release date of the next Map Pack were given, we all hoped it would be cheaper or bring more content. We were wrong. It was exactly the same!!! Seriously, I was so pissed I still haven't bought the New Map Pack. Its a Joke!

Bring on Black Ops is all I say....

Sunday 13 June 2010

Turtle Beach X1 Headset

I decided I needed a good gaming headset to maximise my gaming experience. I had a look around and I finally decided to purchase these. I originally chose these as they were not as expensive as many other headsets, only £59.95, and also because I liked the look of them and Turtle Beach is a well known quality brand.

When they arrived I decided to try them out on MW2. And all I can say is ‘WOW’. The sound quality coming through the headset was just simply unbelievable, it was like I was actually there. I also found that the quality of sound actually improved my gameplay. It isn’t surround sound but it’s still very easy to hear the footsteps of an enemy from really far away and know what direction they are coming from. This makes this headset ideal for playing Search and Destroy when you desperately need to locate the enemy and kill them. You can also use Ninja Pro which really helps as then you can only hear the footsteps of the enemy.

However, don’t get the impression that the Turtle Beach’s are only good for shooter games. I didn’t realise the full quality of the sound until I tried the headset on PGR4 and FIFA10. You can literally hear everything. It really does take gaming to a whole new level and it adds a completely new perspective to video gaming. Sounds like the car changing gear and the murmurings and mutterings of the crowd which are normally inaudible, are now made available. It’s fantastic.

Another good thing about the Turtle Beach X1s is the volume control. There are two volume control dials on the headset itself. One controls the volume of the game sound and the other the volume of people who are talking to you. Wether it be in game chat, party chat or private chat. This means you are not disrupted by your friends talking to you really loudly when you are trying to concentrate on the game you are playing on. You can turn down the voice volume really low but it is still possible to hear clearly what someone is saying. Again brilliant.

However, there are a few problems. One of them is that after an hour or so of wearing the headset, it can start to hurt your ears. It isn’t too bad but it does result in me having to take them off for maybe a minute or adjusting them to make it more comfortable. The other issue is the wires. They are very long. I am afraid it is a price you have to pay for purchasing the cheaper wired headset. Constantly they get tangled up and because I occasionally use a wired controller it can get very annoying. Although, the benefits of the headset easily outweigh the negatives.


Saturday 12 June 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops

The game is being released later this year, 9th if November to be exact, and for info and updates on this new game, visit

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Death Streaks


I know I always seem to have a general moan but this is another flaw that Infinity Ward made I am afraid.

There have been many occasions that I have been downed, short of a high killstreak reward, by someone using Death Streaks.

Painkiller - This is probably the most annoying of the lot. I hate it when you get into the opponents spawn, and own, only to be downed by some douchebag with Painkiller!! Twice I have been killed 1 of a Nuke because of this. Gutted.

Final Stand - This can also be incredibly annoying. Not because they can finish you of after being shot, that isn't always the issue. The most annoying thing is that they can get back up after about 30 seconds!! This is especially annoying when you are sniping and you cannot get at them on final stand as they have crawled away.

Copycat - This really isn't a problem, nobody really uses it and it doesn't give you that much of an advantage.

Martydom - Lets just say I am glad this is not a perk, like it was in COD4. i am pleased to say I am yet to be killed by Martydom on MW2.....

Only a short post today I am afraid, short of time.

Stay Tuned

Saturday 5 June 2010

Intervention or Barret 50cal?

These are clearly the two best snipers on the game I am going to list my PROs and CONs below for each:

1. Is a retro style sniper and sadly the only bolt-action on the game, M40A3 comes to mind which is definitely not a bad thing.
2. Has a very good range and is a 95% chance of killing someone in one shot in the torso.
3. Satisfying to use.
4. Requires skill to use.

1. Bad at close range unless you're a quick-scope and no scope God.
2. Doesn't always kill in one shot when it should, this usually results in the injured opponent fleeing or turning around and shooting the crap out of you.

Barret 50cal.
1. Does the same amount of damage as the Intervention so usually kills in one.
2. If you don't kill in the first shot it is very easy to finish them off very soon after.
3. Good at close range as well, stick on an ACOG and you effectively have a FAL but better :)

1. Not as satisfying as the Intervention
2. Has bad recoil.

So I have to admit that on paper the 50cal. is the better gun, however, I still prefer to use the Intervention purely for the satisfaction. The Bolt action makes this more of a challenge also. I would recommend the Intervention for anyone who plays the game for fun.

Please keep reading and checking on this Blog :)

Thursday 3 June 2010

MW2 Resurgance Package OUT TODAY

Look at this for the latest updates from Major Nelson.

You should get an update for MW2 when you go online, the package will be available later today. 2 Maps from COD4 and 3 new, Carnival, Trailer Park and Fuel....


Wednesday 2 June 2010

HeartBeat Sensors

Urggh... I HATE THEM!! They are for Noobs who cannot find people the normal way. They require no skill to use and they just piss me off! :@

Anyway, I myself hardly ever use them, because of the many above reasons and for two more;

1. If anyone is using Ninja you are screwed.
2. I find myself concentrating too much on the monitor itself and not what is going on around me, because of this I tend to get killed from long distances away or from behind. The areas in which the 'monitor' cannot reach.

There really isn't much more to say... If anyone is actually reading these posts it would be brilliant if you would comment below or even better Follow me :)

I will be doing a longer more detailed post either tomorrow or Thursday, please stay tuned and tell your friends ;)