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What this Blog is about.

On this Blog I am going to be reviewing MW2 guns and giving tips and how and when to use them. I will also be giving my opinions, class layouts and strategies for certain maps. I will update as often as I can, should be every 1-3 days. Hope you enjoy and please follow this page :)


Modern Warfare 2

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Death Streaks


I know I always seem to have a general moan but this is another flaw that Infinity Ward made I am afraid.

There have been many occasions that I have been downed, short of a high killstreak reward, by someone using Death Streaks.

Painkiller - This is probably the most annoying of the lot. I hate it when you get into the opponents spawn, and own, only to be downed by some douchebag with Painkiller!! Twice I have been killed 1 of a Nuke because of this. Gutted.

Final Stand - This can also be incredibly annoying. Not because they can finish you of after being shot, that isn't always the issue. The most annoying thing is that they can get back up after about 30 seconds!! This is especially annoying when you are sniping and you cannot get at them on final stand as they have crawled away.

Copycat - This really isn't a problem, nobody really uses it and it doesn't give you that much of an advantage.

Martydom - Lets just say I am glad this is not a perk, like it was in COD4. i am pleased to say I am yet to be killed by Martydom on MW2.....

Only a short post today I am afraid, short of time.

Stay Tuned

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