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What this Blog is about.

On this Blog I am going to be reviewing MW2 guns and giving tips and how and when to use them. I will also be giving my opinions, class layouts and strategies for certain maps. I will update as often as I can, should be every 1-3 days. Hope you enjoy and please follow this page :)


Modern Warfare 2

Wednesday 2 June 2010

HeartBeat Sensors

Urggh... I HATE THEM!! They are for Noobs who cannot find people the normal way. They require no skill to use and they just piss me off! :@

Anyway, I myself hardly ever use them, because of the many above reasons and for two more;

1. If anyone is using Ninja you are screwed.
2. I find myself concentrating too much on the monitor itself and not what is going on around me, because of this I tend to get killed from long distances away or from behind. The areas in which the 'monitor' cannot reach.

There really isn't much more to say... If anyone is actually reading these posts it would be brilliant if you would comment below or even better Follow me :)

I will be doing a longer more detailed post either tomorrow or Thursday, please stay tuned and tell your friends ;)

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