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What this Blog is about.

On this Blog I am going to be reviewing MW2 guns and giving tips and how and when to use them. I will also be giving my opinions, class layouts and strategies for certain maps. I will update as often as I can, should be every 1-3 days. Hope you enjoy and please follow this page :)


Modern Warfare 2

Saturday 5 June 2010

Intervention or Barret 50cal?

These are clearly the two best snipers on the game I am going to list my PROs and CONs below for each:

1. Is a retro style sniper and sadly the only bolt-action on the game, M40A3 comes to mind which is definitely not a bad thing.
2. Has a very good range and is a 95% chance of killing someone in one shot in the torso.
3. Satisfying to use.
4. Requires skill to use.

1. Bad at close range unless you're a quick-scope and no scope God.
2. Doesn't always kill in one shot when it should, this usually results in the injured opponent fleeing or turning around and shooting the crap out of you.

Barret 50cal.
1. Does the same amount of damage as the Intervention so usually kills in one.
2. If you don't kill in the first shot it is very easy to finish them off very soon after.
3. Good at close range as well, stick on an ACOG and you effectively have a FAL but better :)

1. Not as satisfying as the Intervention
2. Has bad recoil.

So I have to admit that on paper the 50cal. is the better gun, however, I still prefer to use the Intervention purely for the satisfaction. The Bolt action makes this more of a challenge also. I would recommend the Intervention for anyone who plays the game for fun.

Please keep reading and checking on this Blog :)

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